Benefits of Self-Soothe

Self-Soothing is a person’s efforts to calm themself when in a state of distress. It’s a life skill that can be very important for our emotional wellbeing and individual growth. Finding effective ways to self-soothe can help you feel at ease when you are dealing with frustration, stress, anger or having other BIG emotions. It can also reduce the amount of worry and fear we carry around with us.

Self-Soothing is not something we inherently know how to do, rather, it’s something that children have to be taught through lesson and example. Long term, we know that toddlers who learn to self-soothe become children who manage their emotions better and older children who are less impulsive and who can concentrate better in school.

The Soothing Snuggler teaches self-soothe skills using verbal prompts in each hand and foot. It’s the only toy of its kind that offers social emotional learning along with comfort and confidence!